Determine the best hardware settings to the sorting optical modules through testing on a mini-sorting machine built for that purpose.
Improve the already developed modules for internal quality and internal defects and develop new models for spatially resolved reflectance, for sensors fusion and the prediction meta-model.
Construction of the complete sorting machine with the already integrated optical system, which will be tested later at CAB installations.
Integration of the optical module software on the software that globally controls the industrial sorting machines.
Testing execution to the optical machine prototype on the real environment of the cooperative. The optical cabin built on the previous task will be assembled on the sorting machine at Cooperativa Agrícola do Bombarral to evaluate its performance.
Integration of the “fruit analytics” systems. Introduce in the demonstration sorting machine all the needed changes that resulted from CAB testing. Implement the “Fruit analytics” final software version.
Promote and widely spread the project and its results.
Coordinate and manage the developed activities under the project. Manage and follow-up the financial and administrative components of the project.